Friday, April 17, 2009

CENTURY! - or close enough :)

April 17th, Walterboro, SC, about 40 miles west of Charleston:  Ed's in a motel with no internet, so I (Mary) am posting for him.  He had a choice from last night's stop of either a short day or a long day... 99.6 miles is on his odometer tonight!  He feels great, and I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever be able to keep up with him. The tandem is looking better and better!  All the comments on his blog form a terrific tailwind, so thanks to everyone who's been so encouraging.  By the way, VT temp today = 65, SC = 45.  Ed will be back in touch as he gets back closer to the coast over the next day or so.  


  1. Hooray, Ed! 99.6, that's fantastic! We're following your progress on our map, it's impressive, and we're with you in spirit. Here's to sunny tailwinds, Ed, happy miles. Big excitement for us today, a beautiful bluebird appears to have moved into one of our birdhouses! Lynn&Al

  2. You are doing great brother...wish I could be there to cheer you on and ride some with you but there's no way I could keep up with what you are doing. See you soon...only two more States to go! jack

  3. An errata to Mary's blog for me. After a jaunt around the Ramada parking lot and over to the 'Cheap Gas' store, odo read '100.41' so I am calling it, if no one objects, my first and only Century. ED
